‘Mámy pro Jemen’ collected 20 000 Czech crowns to help Yemeni mothers. Thank you!

14. 4. 2021

In December 2020, an independent initiative of four women was started. They decided to give as much as they can to people who do not have anything and to support mothers and children in Yemen. They showed that anyone anywhere in the world can help. Even with small actions. Their original plan was to send food and clothing to children in Yemen, but that is not possible. The only thing that can be sent is money that they can use to buy food from locals. It is possible to collect clothes that are too small for children or adults.

And sell it again. And that is exactly what they do. During not even 5 months they reached out to hundreds of people and were able to collect more than 20 000 Czech crowns for Pomůžu jak můžu. How? They created a Facebook group, asked people to send them clothes in good condition that they no longer wear, and then checked the websites of second-hand stores every day to sell them to other people. They have already sent around 70 packages. They have also organized 4 charitable auctions on Facebook. Together with everyone who participated, they have created an amazing network of direct help from people to people. The result is not only 20 000 Czech crowns on the account of Pomůžu jak můžu, but more importantly, 1 mother with 2 children has one warm meal guaranteed for everyday for more than a yeah. One meal for one person for one day costs only 18 Czech crowns. Thank you and let us hope that your goal of securing another family for a year will be achieved as soon as possible.

You can find everything about Mámy pro Jemen here. Text them, ask them and help them.


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